Reika and Aika presented their research work in CollabTech 2021 (2021.9.1)
Reika Miwa and Aika Tsuchida presented their research work on the trust of YouTube recommendation function in CollabTech 2021 (The 27th International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing). They clarified whether YouTube has obtained the trust from users on video recommendation function. They also showed how the perceived usefulness (PU) and the perceived easy to use (PE), which are the independent variable in TAM (Technology Acceptance Model), with the trust. The results showed that YouTube obtains the trust from users to some extent in recommendation function and PU and PE are correlated with the trust.
*This work has been conducted in CREST project “Building explorable recommendation framework” (JPMJCR20D4) with Dr. Masahiro Hamasaki and Dr. Masataka Goto in AIST.
CollabTech 2021 [HP]